Setting up an EVM Gateway node
This guide is for running the EVM Gateway node on Flow. The EVM Gateway implements the Ethereum JSON-RPC specification and is the only node type which accepts EVM client connections.
The EVM Gateway consumes Flow protocol state from the configured Flow Access Node and persists the indexed EVM state locally to service EVM client requests. It submits EVM transactions it receives into the Flow network, wrapped in a Cadence transaction, and mutating EVM state when executed. Non-mutating RPC methods only query the local state index of the gateway and are never forwarded to Access Nodes. It does not participate in the block production process and requires no stake.
Anyone can run EVM Gateway
The EVM Gateway can serve as a dedicated private RPC, a performance scaling solution, and a free gas provider offering similar capabilities to centralized middleware providers like Infura, Alchemy, etc. at a fraction of the cost. EVM Gateway nodes connect directly to the Flow network with no middleware giving you full control.
If you are just getting started building your application, you can use the public EVM Gateway. Applications generating high call volumes to the JSON-RPC may have hit rate limits on Flow public EVM Gateway and may benefit from running their own gateway to remove rate limits. Self-hosted gateways connect directly to public Flow Access Nodes, which may also optionally be run.
Apps can use EVM gateway to subsidize user transaction fees for smoother onboarding
Alternatively, you can also choose from any of the following providers who provide the EVM Gateway as a managed service along with other value added services on top.
Hardware specifications
The EVM Gateway is a lightweight node which runs on commodity hardware and cloud VMs. It can be run on GCP standard and AWS large VM types for low to moderate volume app co-location use-cases. However, higher volume use cases may require larger instance types and more testing. An inactive node requires less than 200MB memory when run in Docker and data storage growth corresponds with Flow EVM transaction growth. Listed below are theoretical RPS maximums based on Flow mainnet CPU and memory resource utilization metrics and linear scaling assumptions.
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) VM Types
VM Type | vCPUs | Memory (GB) | Estimated Max Requests/s |
n2-standard-2 | 2 | 8 | ~2,950 |
c4a-standard-1 | 1 | 4 | ~1,475 |
c4a-standard-2 | 2 | 8 | ~2,950 |
n2-highmem-4 | 4 | 32 | ~11,800 |
c3-standard-8 | 8 | 32 | ~29,500 |
Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2 Instance Types
Instance Type | vCPUs | Memory (GB) | Estimated Max Requests/s |
m6i.large | 2 | 8 | ~2,950 |
c6i.large | 2 | 4 | ~3,687 |
m6i.xlarge | 4 | 16 | ~11,800 |
c6i.2xlarge | 8 | 16 | ~29,500 |
t3.2xlarge | 8 | 32 | ~17,700 |
How To Run EVM Gateway
Step 1 - Account Creation
The EVM Gateway's role in mediating EVM transactions over to Cadence is how it accrues fees from handling client transactions. Since the gateway submits Cadence transactions wrapping EVM transaction payloads to the Flow Access Node the transaction fee for that must be paid by the EVM Gateway.
The account used for funding gateway Cadence transactions must be a COA, not an EOA. --coa-address
is configured with the Cadence address
of the COA account and the --coa-key
must belong to the same account. The --coinbase
account accrues EVM Gateway fees from EVM client
transactions and can be either an EVM EOA or COA address.
It is acceptable to create a single Cadence account for the COA and use the EVM address associated with that for the COINBASE address.
Create Flow account to use for COA
If you don't already have a Flow account you will need to create one.
- Mainnet
- Testnet
- Install Flow Wallet
- Once installed you will be able to copy the wallet address, similar to 0x1844efeb3fef2242
- Obtain account private key from
Settings -> Account List -> Choose Main account -> Private Key -> [Password prompt]
- Ensure the wallet is funded from a CEX or other wallet
Install Flow CLI if not already installed.
_10flow keys generate
This will output something similar to: `
_10🔴️ Store private key safely and don't share with anyone!_10Private Key 3cf8334d.....95c3c54a28e4ad1_10Public Key 33a13ade6....85f1b49a197747_10Mnemonic often scare peanut ... boil corn change_10Derivation Path m/44'/539'/0'/0/0_10Signature Algorithm ECDSA_P256
Visit, and use the generated Public Key
, to create and fund your Flow testnet account.
Step 2 - Build the gateway
To run EVM Gateway on bare metal or in a VM without the use of docker, select the 'Build from source' tab otherwise refer to the 'Build using Docker' tab.
- Build from source
- Build using Docker
- Use Docker registry image
This will build the EVM gateway binary from source.
_10git clone flow-evm-gateway_10git checkout $(curl -s | jq -r .tag_name)_10CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -o evm-gateway cmd/main/main.go_10chmod a+x evm-gateway_10mv evm-gateway /usr/bin
_10git clone flow-evm-gateway_10git checkout $(curl -s | jq -r .tag_name)_10make docker-build
Registry versions available for download can be found here.
_10docker pull${VERSION}
Step 3 - Start Your Node
Operators will need to refer to the gateway configuration flags and make adjustments that align with the desired deployment topology.
EVM Coinbase address
If this is your first time setting up the gateway we need to ensure that an EVM COA or EOA address is available to configure the COINBASE
. This account
can be an account created using Metamask or other web3.js wallet, or otherwise can be the EVM address corresponding to the Flow Wallet COA account created above.
If you haven't already got an EVM address and you have the COA account created by Flow Wallet above then follow the steps below:
- Click top left burger icon to show current profile
- Click 'Enable the path to Flow EVM' button
- Your EVM account will now be available to use in the left nav account view
- When you switch to that account you can obtain its EVM address
COA Address and Key
COA address and private key is configured for --coa-address
& --coa-key
configuration flags. If running multiple EVM Gateway hosts it is standard to
share the same COA address and key across n hosts.
Run the gateway
Ensure that the following ENV variables have been set. Add/update as required if your configuration differs from those listed.
_12# Set required environment variables_12export ACCESS_NODE_GRPC_HOST="" # or for testnet_12export FLOW_NETWORK_ID="flow-mainnet" # or flow-testnet_12export INIT_CADENCE_HEIGHT="85981135" # 211176670 for testnet_12export COINBASE="${EVM_ADDRESS_WITHOUT_0x}"_12export COA_ADDRESS="${CADENCE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS_WITHOUT_0x}"_12export COA_KEY="${CADENCE_ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY_WITHOUT_0x}"_12export GAS_PRICE="100" # operators can set this to 0 for zero cost transactions. The linked COA account will pay for transactions on users behalf_12_12# $\{ACCESS_NODE_SPORK_HOSTS\} are comma separated_12# testnet: mainnet:
ACCESS_NODE_SPORK_HOSTS is used by the gateway to track state across Flow sporks. These are generally infrequent with only one planned spork per year. A canonical list of required hosts can be found in the EVM Gateway Makefile.
- Run from binary
- Run with Docker
Create EVM Gateway service
_30sudo tee <<EOF >/dev/null /etc/systemd/system/gateway.service_30[Unit]_30Description=Gateway daemon_30After=network-online.target_30_30[Service]_30User=$USER_30ExecStart=/usr/bin/evm-gateway \_30--access-node-grpc-host=$ACCESS_NODE_GRPC_HOST \_30--access-node-spork-hosts=$ACCESS_NODE_SPORK_HOSTS \_30--flow-network-id=$FLOW_NETWORK_ID \_30--init-cadence-height=$INIT_CADENCE_HEIGHT \_30--ws-enabled=true \_30--coinbase=$COINBASE \_30--coa-address=$COA_ADDRESS \_30--coa-key=$COA_KEY \_30--rate-limit=9999999 \_30--rpc-host= \_30--gas-price=$GAS_PRICE \_30--tx-state-validation=local-index_30Restart=always_30RestartSec=3_30LimitNOFILE=4096_30_30[Install]_30WantedBy=multi-user.target_30EOF_30_30cat /etc/systemd/system/gateway.service_30sudo systemctl enable gateway
Start all services
_10sudo systemctl daemon-reload_10sudo systemctl restart access-node_10sudo systemctl restart gateway
Check logs
_10# change log settings to persistent if not already_10sed -i 's/#Storage=auto/Storage=persistent/g' /etc/systemd/journald.conf_10sudo systemctl restart systemd-journald_10_10journalctl -u gateway.service -f -n 100
It may be necessary to make local changes to the docker-run
target to add params which are needed for your requirements. If you pulled a
specific image from the gateway container registry ensure that the $VERSION
environment variable is set to the same as the image version
you pulled.
_10cd flow-evm-gateway_10make docker-run
Additional options are available as follows
_10DOCKER_RUN_DETACHED=true _10DOCKER_HOST_MOUNT=[host mount directory] _10DOCKER_HOST_PORT=[desired port to expose on host]_10DOCKER_HOST_METRICS_PORT=[desired port to expose on host for metrics]_10_10# Example usage_10_10make DOCKER_RUN_DETACHED=true DOCKER_HOST_PORT=1234 DOCKER_HOST_MOUNT=/my/host/dir docker-run
Startup bootstrap indexing
Once your EVM Gateway is up and running you will see it indexing the Flow network which was configured. At the present time this is a lengthy process (possibly 1-3 days, depending on CPU core count) during which time the gateway will not respond to queries. Once the data is fully indexed the gateway can serve requests to clients.
To speed up gateway setup we recommend backing up the /${GATEWAY_HOME_DIR}/data
directory to use when creating additional nodes
using the same release version. We are currently working on an export/import feature that will enable gateway operators to
store state snapshots to bootstrap newly created nodes without the delay.
If you are upgrading the gateway from pre-v1.0.0 release versions the indexed data directory will need to be reindexed from genesis. You will not be able to re-use the DB data dir from the previous versions.
Account and Key Management
When operating an EVM Gateway it is important to understand how keys are configured and used. Each gateway instance
must be configured with a Flow account address, which is sufficiently funded and which it uses to pay to wrap EVM transactions into a
Cadence transaction when submitting to the Flow Access Node. This can be configured with a standalone private key file for
the --coa-key
config flag. Alternatively, you may also use cloud KMS providers per the guidance below.
COA Account signing key rotation
The gateway implements a signing key rotation scheme to scale the use of the COA_KEY
and enable it to be used across many
EVM client transactions. This is configured by reusing the COA public key to create new on-chain signing keys. Although it may seem
counter-intuitive to use the same COA public key when creating new signing keys, the newly added keys all occupy different
key slots on the account which enables the gateway to support concurrent transaction signing without causing nonce collisions
for EVM clients.
Assuming there is already one key on the account, the following example transaction adds 100 copies of that key:
_13transaction {_13 prepare(signer: auth(AddKey) &Account) {_13 let firstKey = signer.keys.get(keyIndex: 0)!_13 let range: InclusiveRange<Int> = InclusiveRange(1, 100, step: 1)_13 for element in range {_13 signer.keys.add(_13 publicKey: firstKey.publicKey,_13 hashAlgorithm: HashAlgorithm.SHA2_256,_13 weight: 1000.0_13 )_13 }_13 }_13}
Signing keys which are added to the COA account are required to use the same hashing algorithm as the key being copied.
If keys are added while the gateway is running it will need to be restarted to make use of the new keys.
If you are operating your EVM Gateway(s) to relay traffic for Flow EVM, or if you otherwise anticipate high volumes of
transactions we recommend configuring at least 200 signing keys or more. Signing key utilization increases proportionately
with transaction throughput growth. You can track signing key utilization as a metric, see evm_gateway_available_signing_keys
KMS Configuration
EVM Gateway allows for Google and AWS Key Management Service (KMS) integration, which is the recommended way of setting up the gateway
for live networks. It is only required to configure a single KMS key for the Flow account configured as the gateway COA_ACCOUNT
_10--coa-cloud-kms-project-id=your-project-kms-id \_10--coa-cloud-kms-location-id=global \_10--coa-cloud-kms-key-ring-id=your-project-kms-key-ring-id \_10--coa-cloud-kms-key=example-gcp-kms1@1,example-gcp-kms2@1 \
Monitoring and Metrics
The EVM Gateway reports Prometheus metrics which are a way to monitor the gateway's availability and progress. The database folder size may also need to be monitored to prevent disk full issues.
Metric labels
_13evm_gateway_api_errors_total # Total count of API errors for period_13evm_gateway_api_request_duration_seconds_bucket # Histogram metric buckets for API request durations_13evm_gateway_api_request_duration_seconds_count # Histogram metric API request count for period_13evm_gateway_api_request_duration_seconds_sum # Histogram metric API request sum of values for period_13evm_gateway_api_server_panics_total # Total count of server panics for period_13evm_gateway_blocks_indexed_total # Total count of EVM blocks indexed _13evm_gateway_cadence_block_height # Cadence block height _13evm_gateway_evm_account_interactions_total # Count of unique accounts observed for period_13evm_gateway_evm_block_height # EVM block height _13evm_gateway_operator_balance # Gateway node COA operator account balance_13evm_gateway_trace_download_errors_total # Total count of trace download errors_13evm_gateway_txs_indexed_total # Total count of indexed transactions_13evm_gateway_available_signing_keys # Total count of available COA signing keys
Alerts are recommended to be configured on server panics, low operator balance, available signing keys and disk usage metrics.
Metrics port
_10--metrics-port 8080 \
Node Status
For basic node status or keepalive monitoring we recommend automated checks on the following monotonically increasing counter:
_10curl -s -XPOST 'your-evm-gw-host:8545' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_blockNumber","params":[],"id":1}' | jq -r '.result' | xargs printf "%d\n"_1010020239
Join our Discord and use the #flow-evm
channel to ask any questions you may have about
EVM Gateway.
Database version inconsistency/corruption
If you see a similar message to this from an aborted startup the gateway database directory is not compatible with the schema versions of the runtime, or there may be corruption. In this instance we recommend that you delete the contents of the EVM GW data directory.
_10Jan 16 17:00:57 nodename docker[6552]: {"level":"error","error":"failed to open db for dir: /flow-evm-gateway/db, with: pebble: manifest file \"MANIFEST-018340\" for DB \"/flow-evm-gateway/db\": comparer name from file \"leveldb.BytewiseComparator\" != comparer name from Options \"flow.MVCCComparer\"","time":"2025-01-16T17:00:57Z","message":"Gateway runtime error"}
State stream configuration
If you are running an Access Node on the same logical host as the EVM Gateway you may see ehe following log entries.
_10failure in event subscription at height ${INIT-CADENCE-HEIGHT}, with: recoverable: disconnected: error receiving event: rpc error: code = Unimplemented desc = unknown service flow.executiondata.ExecutionDataAPI”
_10component execution data indexer initialization failed: could not verify checkpoint file: could not find expected root hash e6d4f4c755666c21d7456441b4d33d3521e5e030b3eae391295577e9130fd715 in checkpoint file which contains: [e10d3c53608a1f195b7969fbc06763285281f64595be491630a1e1bdfbe69161]
To resolve this configure --state-stream-addr
to use the same address/port combination which is set for Access Node --rpc-addr
This is required by the gateway to allow both the streaming and non-streaming APIs to query using the same connection.
Access Node not fully synced
The following log entry will occur when the EVM Gateway attempts to sync with the Access Node but it has not yet synced up to latest block
_10failure in event subscription at height ${INIT-CADENCE-HEIGHT}, with: recoverable: disconnected: error receiving event: rpc error: code = FailedPrecondition desc = could not get start height: failed to get lowest indexed height: index not initialized